Saturday, June 12, 2010

Flower Box

"Too many flowers" is the only thing on my mind now.

Recently, I purchased Flowers A to Z with Donna Dewberry by Donna Dewberry on clearance and wanted to try my hand painting flowers. Flipping through the book, I remembered a jewelry box that I long ago had intentions of painting... What started out as a few canvases to try flower painting on (sketches below), has now blossomed into too many surfaces.


This is a picture of the blank box.

Listed below are the sides I remembered to make sketches for...

Top: Included are sakuras (represented by the circles), peonies (shows as ovals), and delphinium buds on stems. The sakura and peonies are my sister's favorite flowers. The delphinium was used for it's linearity. Easily missed may be the sakura petals floating around, used as filler. Not sure if I will have sakura blossoms floating around too; that may be too much. As a side note, corner flowers will not be included. They are there my own for reference.

Front: This is my favorite side. I'm excited to see how the distinct separate sections will turn out! I will be sure to use different background colors so each section pops. Same flowers used as the ones used in the top section. Top to bottom: sakuras, peony, and open delphiniums. The leaves at the bottom are only shown for reference.

Back: This has to be my second favorite side, a hibiscus so big that it doesn't even fit. ;). Not much else to say besides they are a very pretty flower. (This is the only drawing that is a trace and isn't my work.)

Sides: Which is left and which is going to be the right side, I haven't picked yet. I haven't even picked which way is up for the morning glories. I will decide after I paint the other sides since I'll paint them based which side they look better on. And the bottom right corner of the fuchsias seem to be lacking something...

Sides not included? Plenty. I realized there's at least four more potential spaces to paint: three drawer insides and the bottom. The bottom I can easily decide not to paint and the drawer insides I may decide to cover in velvet (and maybe add dividers).

Finally, there will be a black trim going around the box's top and bottom edge.

Deadline? One to two months. My sister and mother are going to China for the summer and won't be back until August. I envision this taking that long... and think I'll aim for a side a week and will decide how I want the insides to be.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mother's Tank Top5

Update on last week's entry.

Finished. Mom approved.

Added the sequins between the flowers and a carefully placed sequin hid the hole the removed lily left.

Lessons learned: The fabric that I used did not play well with wide ribbon (main example is the left out lily). Even small ribbon had trouble being pulled through it (example including the peach roses). For future projects, flowers created first and then stitched or a wider holed fabric work better.

Next infatuation: painted flowers.